Magnesium is an important ingredient for so many regulatory and biochemical systems of the body that the effect of a low level extends across all areas of health and medical practice.
Therefore, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency fall into two broad categories - the physical symptoms of overt deficiency and the spectrum of disease states with respect to low magnesium levels.
The subject of subclinical or chronically hidden magnesium deficiency has always been regarded as alarming in medical science and has been emphasized over and over again. This growing attention is largely due to epidemiological (study of population diseases) connections, which have been discovered between chronic chronic low magnesium levels and some more disturbing chronic contemporary diseases, including hypertension, asthma and osteoporosis.
The core of the problem is the knowledge that the body actually strips magnesium and calcium from our bones during periods of low magnesium levels. This effect can cause an extra difficult scenario: seemingly sufficient magnesium levels that hide an actual deficiency coupled with continuous damage to leg structures.
Thus, the experts thus diagnose a magnesium deficiency, when risk factors for related conditions are present, instead of relying on testing only openly visible symptoms.
Neurological: Behavioural disorders Irritation and anxiety attacks Lethargy Memory damage and cognitive function Anorexia or loss of appetite Nausea and vomiting strokes Anxiety attacks Hyperactivity Sleeping problems
Muscles: Weakening Muscle cramps (tetanie) Nerve pulls Muscle cramps Hyperactive reflexes Damaged muscle coordination (ataxy) Vibrations Unintentional eye movements and dizziness Difficulties with swallowing Chronic pain Facial nerves or muscle cramps
Metabolical: Raised intracellular calcium Hyperglycaemia Calcium deficiency Potassium deficiency Headaches
Cardiovascular: Irregular or fast heart rate Coronary cramps
With children: Growth slowdown or |
Magnesium deficiency is endemic! A low magnesium level is known in the scientific research world as the silent epidemic of our time.
Many of the symptoms of low magnesium levels are not unique to magnesium deficiency, which makes it difficult to diagnose with 100% accuracy. Thus, low magnesium levels often remain unrecognised.... and thus untreated.
Nevertheless, chronic low intake of magnesium is not only common but also associated with several diseases, which indicates the importance of considering both overt physical symptoms and the presence of other diseases and conditions when magnesium levels are examined.
Unfortunately, it's hard to provide your body with enough magnesium reliably, even with a good, well-balanced complete diet.
Firstly, most modern agricultural methods prefer the universal use of fertilisers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Both potassium and phosphorus are antagonists of magnesium in the soil, and create a relative magnesium deficiency on limestone soils (the magnesium present is bound and therefore not available for the crop).
On sandy or loamy soils, which are slightly acidic, there is often a real magnesium deficiency, because magnesium leaches from the soil and is also not available for the crop. This leaching also occurs in the form of acid rain.
Magnesium is, in fact, one of the most depleted minerals in farmland. To make things worse, new plant hybrids are constantly being introduced, which are grown to survive on these mineral-extended soils. Of course, when mineral-exploited crops are eaten by animals or by us humans, they will sooner or later cause disease unless you supplement magnesium in other ways.
Although organic crops would be a better dietary choice, this is not always the case, and for health reasons it is worth asking how the farm replenishes the minerals in its fields.
Do you know that most of us today are suffering from dangerous dietary deficiencies that cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are restored to the right mineral balance?
The alarming fact is that food (fruit, vegetables, cereals) is now growing on millions of hectares of land, which no longer contains enough minerals and starves us, regardless of how much we eat.
The truth is that our food varies enormously in value, and some of them are not worthy of being considered food ". These cautionary words come from the 74th Congress, 2nd session, Senate document number 264 from 1936. It is truly sobering to learn that the decline in the mineral balance in the soil more than seventy years ago was a subject of serious national importance, and the shortage affects us while we have been steadily worsening - since the generation of our grandparents.
Magnesium and other food have been reduced or lost in post-harvest production, through handling, cooling, transport and storage, even if these steps are carried out "correctly".
Buying the product and storing it in your own refrigerator for days, continues the loss of minerals, whether it comes from the supermarket or from your local farmers' market.
Industrial food processing causes a huge loss of magnesium in foods, which are generally fairly good sources of magnesium, such as leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholemeal cereals.
A large part of the magnesium contained in grain found in bran and germination is lost in the milling of whole grains for white flour, which is almost exclusively used for hundreds of de-vitalised processed food products.
When nuts and seeds are roasted or their oils extracted, magnesium is lost. Cooking the vegetables causes magnesium to leach into the boiling water. Food loses less calcium than magnesium because of these processes, added to a difficult diet-calcium overload, which we will discuss below.
Water could, in fact, be an excellent source of magnesium-like it comes from deep wells that have magnesium in their source, or from mineral-rich icy springs. Urban springs usually source their drinking water from surface water, such as rivers and currents with low magnesium levels. Even many bottled mineral water variants have relatively low magnesium levels, or very high concentrations of calcium, or, even worse, both.
A diet from processed, synthetic food, high sugar content, alcohol and soft drinks "wastes" all magnesium, as much of it is required for the metabolism and detoxification of this largely mineral-poor food.
According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, the body requires at least 28 magnesium molecules to metabolize a single glucose molecule. Phosphates contained in carbonated beverages and processed meat (so-called "lunch sausages" and hot dogs) bind with magnesium to create the insoluble magnesium phosphate, which is unusable for the body.
Tannin, oxalates, and phytic acid all bind with magnesium, making it unavailable to our body, unless extra care is taken to neutralize some of these compounds during food preparation.
It is interesting to note that food, which generally contains magnesium (provided it grows on mineral-rich soils), also contains many of these anti-food products, such as spinach (oxalates) and whole grains (phytates).
Many commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs cause the body to lose magnesium through urine, such as diuretics for hypertension; contraceptive pills; insulin; thimble; thimble; tetracycline and other antibiotics; and corticosteroids and bronchodilators for asthma. With the loss of magnesium, all symptoms "treated" by these medicinal products inevitably deteriorate.
Magnesium absorption is hindered by the use of supplementary iron. If you take calcium supplements, you will increase the need for magnesium, and, in fact, calcium will not be properly absorbed or metabolized if sufficient magnesium is lacking, and will usually end up being dangerously deposited in soft tissue and lead to calcification.
Lactose is another inhibitor of magnesium absorption (and to put it bluntly: milk is not a good source of the mineral), along with abundant potassium, phosphorus and sodium.
Mental and physical stress, with their related uninterrupted flow of adrenaline, consumes the available magnesium rapidly, as adrenaline affects heartbeat, blood pressure, blood pressure, vaginal constriction and muscle contraction actions - all requiring a regular supply of magnesium for smooth functioning. The nervous system depends on sufficient magnesium for its calming effects, including soothing sleep.
Animals in hibernation maintain very high levels of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency will accelerate a vicious cycle and increase the effects of chronic stress, leading to more anxiety attacks, irritability, fatigue and insomnia - many symptoms of kidney exhaustion - both of hypertension and heart pain - all symptoms of heart disease.
Depression is also related to stress and magnesium deficiency. Seratonin, the "good feeling" hormone, requires magnesium in its sensitive balance in the release and reception by cells in the brain. Only if there are sufficient levels present can we enjoy spiritual and emotional balance.
For unfamiliar reasons, the body does not retain magnesium as well; certainly not as good as it preserves for example calcium or iron. Extremely sweating during endurance sports, such as marathon running or heavy exercise exercises, magnesium and other electrolytes can dangerously deplete - although calcium is not wasted, which in fact results in vibration, weakness and even stroke up to death.
The intense sweating, which some women suffer during menopause, also causes magnesium loss, and their decreased magnesium levels worsen their serrated nerves, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, body pain and depression. If these women are tempted to consume modern soya products in a misguided attempt to moderate their symptoms, they will in fact lose even more magnesium because it will be bound by the abundant phytates in these' potions'.
A healthy intestinal flora is necessary for proper absorption of magnesium in the diet. Incendible intestinal syndrome, leaking bowel, candidiasis and other intestinal disorders can greatly reduce the amount of magnesium that the body can absorb. Older adults often experience reduced gastric hydrochloric acid production, which can damage the absorption of minerals in general. And with many of them, who treat their "gastric acid" with antacids, a healthy digestive environment is difficult to maintain.
All in all, an important health theme, do you not think either?
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